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Gammel 17-10-07, 21:21   #60
Ole Brumm
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Ole Brumm sin avatar
Medlem siden: Sep 2006
Hvor: Hundremeterskogen
Innlegg: 9.414
Blogginnlegg: 222
Ole Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de flesteOle Brumm er kulere enn de fleste

Sv: Personlighetstyper - Myers-Briggs/Jung

Your Score: Borefest - ISTJ
46% Extraversion, 20% Intuition, 53% Thinking, 66% Judging

One word. Boring. Sums you up to a tee. You're responsible, trustworthy, serious and down to earth. Boring. Boring. Boring.

You play by the rules. You follow tradition. You encourage structure.

You insist that EVERYBODY do EVERYTHING by the book. Seriously, is there even an ounce of imagination in that little brain of yours? I mean, what's the point of imagination, right? It has no practical value...

As far as you're concerned, abstract theories can go screw themselves. You just want the facts, all the facts and nothing but the facts.

Oh. And you're a perfectionist. About everything. You know that the previous sentence was gramattically incorrect and that "gramattically" was spelt wrong. Your financial records are correct to 25 decimal places and your bedroom is in pristine condition. In fact, you even don't sleep on your bed anymore for fear that you might crease the sheets.

Thankfully, you don't have anyone else to share the bed with, because you're uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. Too bad.

Stemmer overhode ikke, men jeg stemte litt på dagsformen da, var mange spørsmål jeg "vanligvis" hadde svart helt annet på. Også kreve å velge mellom Lost og FF da, det er jo umulig.

Ole Brumm
-04, -08, -11, -14
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