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Gammel 14-04-20, 20:22   #1086
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Medlem siden: Apr 2008
Innlegg: 16.197
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Sv: Hva om Donald Trump blir president?

For noen dager siden var det intervju der han sa at USA skylle slutte å gi penger til WHO. Så fikk han oppfølgingsspørsmål og nektet da for å ha sagt det.

De vil jo ha han.... Kollega var nylig i Mellom-amerika i en havn med masse yatcher fra USA, kjempemange med gigantisk Trump-flagg bakpå. Det er til å grine av.

Shaking his head peevishly, he added: “They called it wrong, they called it wrong. They missed the call. They could have called it months earlier. They would have known and they should have known and they probably did know. So we’ll be looking into that very carefully and we’re going to put a hold on money spent*[sic] to the WHO.

“We’re going to put a very powerful hold on it and we’re going to see. It’s a great thing if it works but when they call every shot wrong, it’s not good.”
But soon after, Trump was asked if the middle of a pandemic was the time to suspend money for the WHO. “No, maybe not,” he replied, backtracking from his earlier remark. “I’m not saying I’m going to do it but we’re going to look at.”

A reporter interjected: “You did say that –”

Trump retorted: “No, I didn’t, I said we’re going to look at it. We’re going to investigate it, we’re going to look at it. But we will look at ending funding, yeah, because you know what, they called it wrong, and if you look back over the years even, everything seems to be very biased toward China. That’s not right.”

07 og 10

Sist redigert av Pelle : 14-04-20 kl 20:27.
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